Re: Regulator

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Posted by kelphead on August 29, 2001 at 17:14:45:

In Reply to: Re: Regulator posted by Glenn on August 29, 2001 at 16:41:02:

"Don't confuse pressure with volume. Just because something operates at a higher pressure, it doesn't mean it can deliver more
and vice-versa. How it is valved will have a lot to do with it and how well it can maintain a certain pressure when a load is put

i believe that the hose used is standard for any
reg, and as for the internal organs of the 1st
stage, i'm not sure how significantly different
the 'scubapro' one is from the 'sherwood' one.

but again, all things being equal, the way it was
explained to me (by more than one source)--or
more accurately, the way i understood it--was
that the 'scubapro' was able to deliver more
air than the 'sherwood' and that the limiting
factor was the pressure that each can be tuned to.
i was told i would be able to tell the difference
"like night and day" in regards to breathing performance.

thanx! for your input.

"Breathes pretty well upside down as well."

good point. i noticed that when i'm upside
down, the 'scubapro' reg breathes a little wet;
however, the 'sherwood' doesn't. just another,
albeit small reason for me to go back to my
'sherwood' 2nd stage.

thanx! again.


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