Does anyone else find it odd..., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by geoa on August 29, 2001 at 16:56:10:

that so called GLnSD would spend his vacation time obsessed with conducting a scorched earth flame war on a lil ole' scuba diving message board in Southern California? Really, when I'm on vacation in Rome or Greece, Cozumel or Corinth, the last thing I think about is whats going on in Los Angeles. Maybe it's just me. Maybe if GLnSD first offered to buy dinner at Ruth's Chris Steak House in Beverly Hills for all the DIR guys, he'd be able to let those guys decide if they want to dive with him before just meeting up on a dive boat. Another thing, most of the people I know that have real money, never really talk about it like GLnSD does ad nauseum.

His comment about being too good for beach diving or off a SoCal dive boat are apparently, to me anyway, should I say revealing in the extreme. Beach diving takes waterman skill, does he have what it takes to do it?

His Navy experience struck me as odd too. I was a Destroyerman for many years and think I can spot BS about the Fleet when I seee it.
GLnSD can you give me a gross displacement for an Adams class can?

Just some things to think about.
Watch your buoyancy control on those wrecks in Truk.

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