good job! NOW you are thinking like a pirate!

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Posted by Karl S. on August 31, 2001 at 13:14:42:

In Reply to: Doing a little research... posted by geoa on August 31, 2001 at 10:59:26:

I have been searching for the Los Angeles, an 1890s woodenboat wreck. Finally found it on a coast map. A couple of friends of mine at a sports bar during a Raiders game asked me, Whats that map for? I said, Treasure. They said they have a RIB with a big engine that could get me out there to the site and back, which is a long haul south, then a longer haul beating back against the wind north.

So we agreed to split the treasure 3 ways: pilot, navigator, & diver. What a blast!

Max depth at the wreck site is 120 fsw.

120 fsw / 33 fsw + 1 = 4.6 ATA

1.4 ATA / 4.6 ATA = EAN 30

For a relatively shallow dive like this, to 120 fsw on EAN 30, I can set my Suunto Vyper dive computer to monitor the N2 diffusion and use its decompression model for the egression. I havent decided whether to use my PST 120 or my twin PST 80s.

I will either sling a 40 cu ft catalina or a 65 cu ft luxifer with EAN 40 in it for deco if needed and as a pony.

(1.6 / 0.4 - 1 ) x 33 = 99 fsw MOD for the pony

Good luck with your own search and recovery, Sailor! Dont forget the math. And the pony.


/s/ CalAbDiver
San Jose, California

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