Re: Proper procedure for OOA situations

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by geoa on September 04, 2001 at 17:18:20:

In Reply to: Proper procedure for OOA situations posted by MHK on September 04, 2001 at 16:29:30:

You say that you're donating a known working reg to the OOA buddy, you're primary. OK, where does that leave you in the event the "not known to be working" reg is in fact not working? (I'm sure you test your back-up early in the dive like any smart diver) But what if you're diving with someone who does'nt test his back-up during the course of a dive?
If for some reason my tank and reg go south at 100 feet, due to Murphy's law I'll assume no help is coming and I'm comfortable swimming up to 150 ft on one breath. Practice this skill in the pool once a week. I know I can do it. But a 62 year old guy from out of the area? Maybe, maybe not. Fact is, Mike. My personal opinion is that 62 year old guys at a place that can get gnarly like Farnsworth at 100+ are few and far between. I'm not saying that there are'nt any, just that I'd prefer to err on the side of living another day and maybe just sit on the pinnacle at 60 ft.
Just my 0.2

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