The best thing that I learned in my DM training was:

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Posted by brianc on September 05, 2001 at 08:32:19:

In Reply to: Proper OOA/comments posted by Ken Kurtis on September 04, 2001 at 23:12:33:


That means taking charge physically and pyschologically. I've lost count of how many bolting, bobbing to the surface from poor buoyancy, and/or reg spitting paniced students I have dealt with. I always make sure that they have at reg in and that I have a FIRM hold on them (ususally a bc strap) so quick that it would be hard to separate the actions. Next, I deal with their buoyancy. Then I decide if I need to take the person to the surface, depending on the reason that I grabbed them.

I fully agree that the person performing the rescue must act decisively and not wait to try to communicate with the victim until the situation is under control.

Also, if some well-meaning person tries interferes by trying to "help", don't hesitate to push them out of the way.

BTW - Having to use both hands to deal with other divers was what made me realize that having gauge and compass on my wrists makes the most sense. Just try monitoring your assent rate and depth when you have one hand holding a paniced diver's bc, the other holding his reg in his mouth and your computer is hanging on a console where you can't see it.

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