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Posted by MHK on September 06, 2001 at 16:38:53:

I posted the following yesterday:

We are now at 20 fatalities in 18 months and my information is that last month alone at the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber we treated 4 air embolisms and 3 cases of DCS.. Those numbers are factual and only represent the factalities that I'm aware of in SoCal and only represent the Catalina Chamber...

My source for the number of fatalities is based upon the fact that we have discussed each and every one of them on this list.. However, my source for the number of treatments at the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber were that I'm a member of the Chamber crew and as such I receive a monthly newsletter..

However, I made a mistake and misread the figures. In actuality the number of treatments were correct, however, they represent the accumulation for the entire year, not the calander month as I previously stated.. Sorry for any confusion, but I simply made a mistake and stand corrected.

Thanks to Karl Huggins for bringing it to my attention...


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