Re: Ponies

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Posted by seahunt on September 13, 2001 at 22:46:05:

In Reply to: Re: Ponies posted by Kendall Raine on September 13, 2001 at 14:32:07:

But the DIR position on ponies assumes familiarity/uniformity with gear and buddy diving. The system only works as a whole. Examining/discussing pieces out of context never works
Not to start a fight here... seriously, but this comment and the one below, make assumptions that explain why I am not a worshipper of DIR. This was a serious problem. An odd and unexpected problem that could have killed me. A pony bottle (which I do not subscribe to currently, but do consider, especially in light of my present circumstances) could have saved me if the accident had happened at depth, but what would DIR have done for me in that situation, that a pony bottle (or just a competent buddy) wouldn't have? My responses were instantaneous. I knew the gear. I don't need a bunch of training for gear as simple as scuba rigs. If I had a pony or a buddy, I would have had no more or less of a problem whether I was DIR or not. I consider DIR to be quanitatively superior, not qualitatively superior.
Not flame, just an honest observation.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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