Re: sounds like the real thing was similar to the subsequent training

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Grunt on September 15, 2001 at 11:27:08:

In Reply to: Re: sounds like the real thing was similar to the subsequent training posted by retrodiver on September 15, 2001 at 00:02:53:

Yeah, I don't know. Was the price of gas worth it? When one stops to consider everything that uses petroleum products in their manufacture, and every product that we use that requires pertroleum products for their operation (with the exception of pure O2 compressors for pumping good gas), it is staggering. I would not want to do without some of the things I've grown accustomed to... Had I not grown up in a country so rich in personal possessions or private transportation that require fuel and oil, then I might not understand America's dependency on it and I might scratch my head like some of our younger generation are doing today. Yes, I would fight to keep what I have and to maintain the life I have (be it pathetic and dry at times). When asked what would constitute "American Interests" that are worth dying for, one would have to certainly include the lifestyle we enjoy and the freedom to enjoy it. If the other countries around the world are jealous of us because of our success, then their people can rise up and take control of their destiny. It is often said that ordinary folk cannot possibly compete against a strong military force... But as this past week has tragically illustrated, all you need apparantly is a box cutter, opportunity and balls. To successfully wage warfare, be it conventional or Guerrilla, you need (A) the heart to see it through to the bitter end, (B) opportunity and (C) balls. America has the heart, she can create opportunity and we certainly have the balls. Oh yes, one other little thing is needed to successfully wage and win a war and that is leadership. Our leaders must possess balls as well and I believe we've got someone who is willing to show us his. America needs to go to war over this. First of all as simple human beings, we cannot be expected by the rest of the world to turn our cheek over a slap in the face like we received on Tuesday. Second, we need to hone and sharpen our fighting skills, test and prove our technology so that we can stay on top of things to survive in this ever changing world. As any combatant knows, training alone wont cut it when faced with a real battle for life or death. No matter how hard you train, in the critical first minutes of battle, instinct and experience usually replaces training. The gulf war was not long enough to battle harden the troops or prove strategies (altho they were pretty good). Occupying other countries as in Bosnia is only giving us experience in being away from home... It is sad to say, but sometimes you just have to fight and if now isn't the time, then I don't know when a better time or reason would be... Let's get in their and kick some ass and learn from our enemy and become stronger for it. This is where the flag is supposed to unfurl to the sounds of the Marine Corps Hymn playing in the background... If you can't see it or hear it, then you are perhaps, in the wrong place... figuratively speaking of course. I wish my county the best in the impending battle and I will support her anyway I can, and I fully support GW and have faith that through his leadership (along with a great and experienced cabinet as well I might add)that we will bloody the bastards and perhaps envoke a little respect thru fear in terrorist camps around the world. In the word of a Famous Marine Corps General "Boys, we are now completely surrounded, they have us exactly where we want them. We can now attack in all directions!" as for me, too long a surface interval. I need to wash off some dust, I'm going to visit the God's of the deep. It's get wet time... (again as always, excuse the kids spelling. They think phone is spelled "FONE", what can you expect) Me.

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