Re: DIR Demo at the California Wreck Divers, everyone lives . . ., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by MHK on September 27, 2001 at 13:56:51:

In Reply to: DIR Demo at the California Wreck Divers, everyone lives . . . posted by Kevin on September 27, 2001 at 00:57:19:

Kevin and the rest of the CWD's,

I want to personally thank you for hosting the event and allowing us the opportunity to speak before your club. As I mentioned I've done many of these demo's now and I've done them all over the country but I was really looking forward to speaking in front of the *old time, hard core* wreck guys/girls...

We fully went into this recognizing that you guys have been doing things your way for many years and as such would naturally be leary of what we were presenting. I enjoyed the back and forth exchanges and I always find them more productive in person then I do on this forum. A select few on this list turn everything into a pissing contest and when we take it off the list it is much easier to find common ground and points of agreement, as opposed to flame wars for the ignorant few that aren't qualified to engage in any meaningful way so they resort to personal attacks, misdirection, obfuscation and selective editing..

Thanks for having us and we look forward to part two whenever you guys are ready...


PS.. Thanks for the pizza and I bought my own beer ;-)

PSS.. Thanks to Josh for driving all the way from Fresno...

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