DIR Demo at the California Wreck Divers, everyone lives . . .

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Kevin on September 27, 2001 at 00:57:19:

Thanx to Mike Kane, Terry May, John Walker and Kendall Raine for their DIR demo at the California Wreck Divers. And thanx to all the Diver. Net´ers that showed up. I really thought you guys were gonna eat a lot more pizza than you actually did. Now who stuck me their beer tab too ??

The Doing It Right mindset is gonna improve scuba safety, and thats good for everyone. John and Kendall opened up with an overview of the dive team and planning aspect of DIR. They threw issues back and forth, and related their rules and protocols to real world applications. Mike and Terry handled the equipment ( and the reasons behind the equipment ) and application of DIR gear. By constantly using application in the open water, and while wreck diving, they drove the message home. All four were intelligent and well-spoken, and we only wish they had an extra hour for the gear briefing. DIR = SAFETY. Period.

Although the DIR philospohy is integrated framework, even if divers steal just a tiny portion, it will improve their safety. A single step in the right direction, such as best mix for a site, the buddy system, optimum gear selection and set-up, and most importantly planning your depths and bottom times, will enhance all of our safety in the water.

NO, I got NO money to write this post, in fact it costs me money, and it was worth every penny. I am looking forward to the Fundamentals course in November. I can hardly wait to be a scuba student again, instead of vica versa.

Sorry if I am rambling, but its 1 AM and I just got back from diving a new wreck at Pt. Dume, we went there after the meeting. I know I am sick and currently seeking a cure other than having always wet gear bags covered in rust stains.


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