ARRAGGGGAH! I got bent! or did I?

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Posted by George Austin on November 07, 2001 at 14:34:50:

Well, after going thru all the threads on the possible dci hit that msblucow took, I'e got a few questions. As well as a couple observations.
Questions 1) Would'nt the physical condition of the victim be relative to the discussion, e.g. static HR/BP SAC. none of that was provided in the original post. Cardio condition? etc. etc. 2)Did'nt Dr Sipsey declare post treatment that they weren't sure it was a dci hit even after a 12 hour treatment due to the fact that she still had sub clinical symptoms? 3) I don't know her, but doesn't it seem like this dive was, in fact, beyond her limitations? e.g. An unfamiliar location, deeper than 60fsw, deep diving on 21, Holding a camera, unfamiliar buddy, All these set off red flags and collision alarms, to me anyway. 4) She had problems during the dive (lost descent line, lost buddy, violation of NDL) as well as symptoms doffing her gear (tingly extremities) AND headed straight to the berthing compartment with apparently sub clinical fatigue AND said nothing to the diving supervisor. Said nothing until the pins and needles got to the point where she believed she indeed had taken a hit.

Observations. I'm going to come down on the MHK side of this and say that this dive should have been well planned with her regular buddy using a better mix than 21. The narcotic factor alone of "regular air" should have precluded its use on this dive. I believe that her deep deco stop (60fsw) on air may have done more harm than good. I know that some think the 1.6 PPO limit precludes he use of 32 for this dive and some think the 1.6 PPO is too conservative. It still would have been better than 21 especially at the way too short 3 minute 15 foot stop. All things considered, the dive should have been planned and carried out on trimix with an experienced technical diver holding her hand. Someday, somebody is going to die doing this crazy stuff. I guess I'm just getting old and chicken.

Msblu- Hope your feeling better. Just remember, no one is forcing you to do this and its far better to get the training before taking these kinds of chances.

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