Re: diving and flying question for MHK

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Maddiver on November 13, 2001 at 15:55:40:

In Reply to: Re: diving and flying question for MHK posted by Kendall Raine on November 13, 2001 at 15:38:54:


I guess that's the point if you do the deco/ascent right then you stand little to no additional risk from explosive decompression of the aircraft cabin than the guy sitting next to you that doesn't know what a scuba tank is. But the kid in the back that was sucking down whippits the night before is in for a world of pain. So the potential with everything else being equal is indistinguishable between say mike after his dives on Sun night and the freq flyer next to him. If anything I would argue that the repeated acclimatization to deco stress by kane would give him an advantage although there is no scientific evidence for this.

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