nice dive report ... cant beat game reserve diving!

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Posted by Karl S. on November 20, 2001 at 09:11:46:

In Reply to: Nitrox Cert. Dive Report - lonnngggg one posted by DougD on November 19, 2001 at 22:10:47:

There is a beautiful game reserve in Central California too, named Point Lobos, at the south end of the City of Carmel on Calif St Hwy 1, aka PCH in SoCal. The dive spot is Whalers Cove. It is rich in undersea life too, like the one you described at Landing Point. [What City is that near?]

I dont know why NitrOx seems to give divers extra energy. Maybe MadDiver can explain that.

We have debated back and for whether NitrOx is less narcotic than air. Some divers believe that the O2 is equally as narcotic as the N2. Therefore the narcosis benefit of NitrOx over air seems to be debatable.

NitrOx is clearly more safe than air with respect to N2 diffusion and DCS risk. Since the O2 can be metabolized within the body muscles, it has that additional means of being removed from the blood. N2 does not have that quality, and must be off-gassed slowly and carefully.

Great dive report!

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