Catalina (or ??) by small boat.

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 25, 2001 at 13:08:52:

Admiral Linda wants to go to SoCal (Ontario) at New Year's to visit
relatives. I'm thinking of towing my Boston Whaler (17' Montauk) down
and diving Catalina (or where?). Questions:

Where should I put it in the water?

Is there a fuel dock at Catalina? I've got a 24 gallon tank, and
it's got sufficient range to get there and get back, but I'd be more
comfortable if I could fill the tank out there. It gets a bit better
than 3 MPG on flat water, less if it's rough. Yes, I could always
take a reserve tank.

What's a good book on SoCal dive sites, emphasis on boat dive sites?

Anyplace else I should think about diving?


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