Mr 'Seven Tanks'

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Posted by Maddiver on December 05, 2001 at 08:47:36:

In Reply to: Oh Really... posted by seahunt on December 04, 2001 at 17:07:28:

seven tanks a day is not very impressive to me....especially if they have to come up and change are well aware that there are those on this list that use more cylinders on **one** dive and their runtime for one dive **far** exceedes the '7 tanks' you talk about. But come on Sea Hunt is this really the 'High Arctic, the deep blue holes of the bahamian bank during a tidal change, or countless other places? I realize that there are challenging sites but I didn't think this was a 'tough guy' competition, and furthermore how do you measure the 'toughness of the california hunter'?

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