Oh Really...

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Posted by seahunt on December 04, 2001 at 17:07:28:

In Reply to: I got a kick out of that one Seahunt, you really must quit posted by Maddiver on December 04, 2001 at 09:15:30:

The California hunters are extremely experienced and it is some of
the most demanding diving in the world.
First off, do you know of any divers more devoted than hunters? I
strongly doubt it. Maybe a few that are as devoted, but a lot of
California hunters live to dive. Just ask them.
Also, I'm not talking about Casino Point and that's not where the
hunters go. Hunters know to go to the most difficult places to dive
because that is where the game is most likely to be found. They dive
in conditions that would be pointless to dive for any other activity
besides hunting. They don't skip dives and on a multi-day trip, they
frequently do 7 or even more tanks. Does anyone else do that?
California divers also do a lot of beach diving in conditions
that just aren't dove elsewhere and that is without even including
the Central and North Coast which are even nastier..
If you don't think California diving is extremely demanding, pray
tell me a few places that are as tough that get many divers.
Enjoy, seahunt

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