MLPA: Proposed change in Fish & Game Regulations

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Posted by Chris on February 07, 2002 at 03:36:21:

Yesterday (February 6, 2002) I received a letter and notice from Fish & Game about proposed changes to the Fish & Game regulations for the establishment of the MLPA in the Channel Islands.

Fish & Game Channel Islands MLPA Page

NOAA Channel Islands MLPA Page

They propose a preferred plan, plus five alternatives. All of the plans establish closure and limited species take areas. However, they do not seem to have any plan in place to reduce commercial take. Without reduced limits for commercial take, the areas outside of the protection areas will be hit even harder and the desired fisheries recovery will be delayed, or not happen. I see this as a key flaw in the plan.

There will be public hearing on this plan as follows:

  1. 10 AM Friday February 8, 2002 at Resources Building Auditorium, 1416 9th St., Sacramento, CA

  2. 10 AM Thursday March 7, 2002 at Shedd Auditorium, 2595 Ingraham Blvd., San Diego, CA

  3. 10 AM Thursday April 4, 2002 at CSU Dumke Auditorium, 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA

  4. 8:30 AM Friday August 2, 2002 at San Luis Obispo City Council Chambers, 990 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, CA

Prefered areas

alternitive 1

alternitive 2

alternitive 3

alternitive 4

alternitive 5

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