Re: This was posted on another BBS, and edited for this BBS.

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Posted by seahunt on April 24, 2002 at 08:04:51:

In Reply to: This was posted on another BBS, and edited for this BBS. posted by Captain Tim on April 23, 2002 at 20:47:18:

Some people get a DCS hit from carelessness. Some get it by making
a mistake. Some get it from bad luck circumstances. But I think we
all know that some people get a DCS hit just for no obvious reason
and no careless action. I think it is like other accidents. They
happen and the proper course of action for a person is to immediatly
help the victim without asking questions. Later, it may be time to
privately ask them just what happened and then it might be time to
tell them they are a jerk.
I'm not up on what led to this post, but may I point out that in
any case, Tribes has habitually worked to provoke trouble, so
always be careful responding too him.
Frank, from your comments in the past, I know that you are a bit
upset with Roy Hauser because according to you, he has become bitter
and drinks because of his accident. Perhaps this is where you were
coming from with your comment. I'm not one to speak, but I know so
many people that are hurt and you have to give them a break, cuz that
is to be human.
I only know enough about Roy Hauser to know he's one of my diving
'heros'. He is one of the truest pioneers of California Diving. As
far as I know, he was also one of the earliest visitors to the
Matterhorn. He saw California diving when it was basically untouched.
I'd like to meet him some time and ask him what it was like. I somewhat
doubt that I even know to this day exactly what happened to cause him
to get bent. Last I heard, it involved a contaminated tank, but I'm
still suspicious of even that version.
In any case, I prefer to judge a person on their best instead of their
worste and Roy's best was pretty good. I can only wish him well.
Enjoy the diving and, everybody, stay lucky, seahunt

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