tank overfills on last two boat trips

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Posted by Efrin on July 15, 2002 at 19:14:04:

During June and July (last weekend) I've made boat trips out of Ventura and Santa Barbara, different boat (same name) both times. I dive a steel 80, 2400psi tank. On the June trip, I got an airfill but didn't make the last dive, so returned home with a full tank. Checking that tank a few days later showed it filled to 3100psi, so I bleed it off to 2400.

This last weekend I was getting 3000psi fills on each of my 3 dives, and I noticed that the crew seemed to fill every tank to the same pressure regardless of what type of tank it was. They did't seem to monitor the pressure as they filled, they just moved the filler hose down the line from tank to tank.

Should I be concerned about this overfilling damaging my tank (failed hydro)? What can I do to prevent the crew from overfilling, maybe marking the pressure on the top of the tank? What happens when I dive my steel 72, 2150psi tank, seems like a severe overfill for a 30 year old tank. Thanks for any advice.

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