California Diving (coming from Arizona), the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Jeff on October 16, 2002 at 02:43:35:

Hi All; 17yo son finishes sr.hi football ?mid December? I want to take him to Cal for some diving, because I just went to no. channel islands mid Sept, & Loved it!! We're new divers, I have about 30dives, he has maybe 15, we took aow at lake powell, az, so got to learn about cold :)
anyhow, have posted to rec.scuba, some kind soul suggested i post here; would love recommendations, etc, thinking about either same trip i took (truth to no. channel islands), or something similar;
I fell in love with what you have!!!
we have family in carlsbad, so would base from there.....
any suggestions, comments would be appreciated!

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