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Posted by Ed on October 29, 2002 at 07:38:57:

In Reply to: Photographers didn't contribute to the need for reserves. posted by Brad on October 28, 2002 at 18:14:30:

I think the REAL solution is to eliminate or greatly restrict/ban/inhibit commercial fishing on a LARGE scale (since they take more than 98% of the total catch?). Also, they can pose additional restrictions on size, and reduced daily limit, and ENFORCE them.

Even 'party boats' MUST be made to comply, as I've seen some very IFFY stuff going on.

Sport fisherman and 'consumptive' divers (as you put it) have VERY LITTLE impact. Look at the total participants of the consumptive diving/fishing community, consider their occasional take, then, compare it to the TONS and TONS of fish taken by the commercials. The solution for helping the ecosystem 'recover', seems trivial in my mind. That is, no just to have a small reserve area, but to shut down (or greatly restrict) most, if not all of the waters from COMMERCIAL TAKE.

However, as always, laws are not passed based on common sense. It's money and politics....

Furthermore, if they will 'selectively' decide to ban one 'low impact' group (such as spear-fishers, consumptive divers), I VOTE FOR A TOTAL CLOSURE TO ALL LOW IMPACT ACTIVITIES. That includes diving, photography, boating, etc. After all, it is only fair... Diving, boating, and photography DOES have an impact, although in most cases, insignificant.

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