Re: It's a matter of outlook, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Brad on December 15, 2002 at 10:02:26:

In Reply to: Re: It's a matter of outlook posted by Finfan on December 14, 2002 at 10:29:08:

I saw the writing on the wall the very first time i fished at Catalina back in 78. My problem with the whole comercial/sport industry is the fact that i simply don't believe that those who made the money didn't see it coming also. I have to conclude that their greatest concern has been one of self-interest rather than any concern for OUR "shared" environment.

Each and every fisherman saw the depletion occuring right before their open eyes and did sweet nothing to curtail their take until mandated by law. They drove the depletion and now they faign bewilderment at the new regulations.

You may characterize me as an extremist, but my actions didn't drive the need for the regulations. I didn't profit from the decline. I didn't exploit a dwindling resource for personal gain. I hate my job and would really like to make my living from the water, but i don't for reasons of conviction. I do have contempt for those who profited from this current state of decline, but i didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

I understand the impact of endless developement, but i also know that if we had protected OUR waters to a reasonable degree years ago, the fish populations would sustain themselves in spite of the (inevitable) developement and resulting pollution.

There is nothing better for fish populations than man not killing fish---period.

There is nothing worse for fish populations than man killing fish---period.

Pollution notwithstanding.

I stand by that statement.

What does this law suit say? We acknowledge the depletion, but we DEMAND to continue fishing?

That, Finfan is extremism!

That is why OUR waters are in such a state of decline!


If you or anyone else doesn't think i've earned the right to my opinion, please say so....

(break out your trip log)


(loves the sea)

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