Re: 1 Day, or 3 Days for Chamber Day?

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Posted by Ken Kurtis, Chairman - Chamber Day/Eve 2003 on February 03, 2003 at 11:53:37:

In Reply to: 1 Day, or 3 Days for Chamber Day? posted by White Elephant Hunter on February 02, 2003 at 21:11:59:

Ancient proverb: "No good deed goes unpunished."

Much as I love answering baseless charges from people whodon't have the guts to use their real name or e-mail adrres (there is no "" according to AOL) . . .

First of all, I will follow up with Roger as soon as I'm done with this post but I question that you understood him accurately. Just the other week, he called me directly to (when someone else had started a baseless rumor than he had questions about the event) assure me that he stood behind the Chamber and Chamber Day, and would do everyhting in his power to insure that all the local boats participated. (In fact, we've already confired 95% of them for Chamber Day 2003 on May 7.)

As far as it being a 3-day event, I have no idea where that comes from. Chamber Day and Chamber Evening are both held on the same day so the focus is on a single day. We have no intention of making this "Chamber Week."

As for why Reef Seekers doesn't book a boat the weekend following Chamber Day, it's basically that we need a break after the final push for Chamber Day/Eve and with our time devoted to Chamber Day/Eve, we don't have as much time to effectively push our own charters. In fact, even though we run a boat the weekend before Chamber Day, it frequently runs light because our time is diverted elsewhere.

As for running the event on a Sunday, the event has been on a Wednesday from the git-go (wehen Roger Hess founded it) based on the request from the boats. Donating their time (and don't lose sight of the fact that each and every boat that participates ends up eating the cost of fuel for the day) but donating their time AND giving up a revenue-producing day is asking too much.

Besides, on a practical level, what would be the advantage of going to a Sunday? The last two years we have sold out every spot available doing the event on Wednesday so it's not like there is anything to gain and the boats would lose a potentail income day. Doesn't seem to make sense.

And for the record, the Hesses only own the Encore. The Great Escape is owned by Tim Burke.

If you have any serious suggestions, concerns, complaints, or whatever, I'd be happy to listen to them and present them to our Chamber Day/Eve Steering Committe. If all you want to do is take potshots at an event that's successful because the local dive industry puts aside petty differences for the greater good, then your future diatribes will merit no further comment.

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2003

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