To dive Pt. Lobos, you have to come in through the gate

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on April 30, 2003 at 09:28:35:

In Reply to: Monterey dive posted by Eric S on April 29, 2003 at 06:25:01:

Are you aware that to dive Pt. Lobos, you have to
come in through the gate, and check in and out
with the gate ranger?

And since there are only 15 teams allowed per day,
on the weekends you need a reservation?

Also, you the lat/lon you got for Aumentos Reef
is probably Datum NAD23, rather than the MUCH more
common NAD83/WGS84. NAD83/WGS84 positions (and an
explanation of Datum) are at

You should have noted the outgoing current before
you got in, and swam SE during your ascent.


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