Re: Holy moly

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by seahunt on February 08, 2004 at 15:15:56:

In Reply to: Re: Holy moly posted by Chuck Tribolet on February 08, 2004 at 14:48:15:

Ive seen Pigeon/Pidgen Pt. spelled both ways. The vis can be poor there and at Greyhound Rock, but the diving is beautifully lush. Besides, it was nearby and there were lots of big abs, something not the case for Monterey.... ie. good reasons to dive there... Unless you know of anywhere else where there was a quantity of 10 inch abalone. If you want to have fun and get a big one, you can't sweat the minor downsides.
I looked at the report and I see it doesn't actually state it, but I am of the belief that I am the only one to have ever bodysurfed Middle peak on big days. I went there over a 12 year period and saw only one other bodysurfer, who stayed at the point. I've talked to other surfers including one who grew up there from the 60's to the 90's and none of them ever saw someone bodysurf Middle Peak on a big day. It's not that it's a big deal, but it's sort of amusing that it may well be that I'm the only one to have done it. I rode it many times as big as it got. Who knows what goes on these days.
Enjoy, seahunt

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