Wrist Bracelets!!!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Elaine on April 30, 2004 at 14:07:46:

In Reply to: Re: CG chimes in with recommendations posted by TechDiver on April 30, 2004 at 12:09:11:

This solution is a cross between "Club Med" and "They Are Coming to Take Me Away -Ha Ha". They have tried this in the hospitals and people do somehow sometimes get the wrong bracelets on the wrong arms. In hospitals they still ask people to "state your name" as a positive means of identification, and as a double check that people don't have the wrong wrist bracelet on. What a person says their name is, rules over whatever the "wrist bracelet" says every time. The Coast Guard didn't think this one through too well. In my post I was just joking when I mentioned "electronic ankle bracelets".

Does this mean that the Captian has to do the roll call, visual verification, wrist band check, after every dive since it is the captain who is ultimately responsible? When the captain finds out what the problems are with following a system such as this, who is he supposed to call the Coast Guard complaint department department - (like they have one)to get them to change their recommendation to something more in touch with 2004?

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