Re: I was curious., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Brad on June 12, 2004 at 15:12:42:

In Reply to: Re: I was curious. posted by Sonke on June 12, 2004 at 12:54:16:

Thank you for your assurance Sonke. i have to correct one misconcption about the continued threats faced by the giants. As you have stated, the commercials are allowed to kill one a day and they exploit that loophole every chance they get. To verify this fact, you only need to survey the fish markets from LA to SD.

The giants face a threat of mortality every time a recreational angler catches one and brings it to the surface, or takes it out of the water for a picture (laying on the deck of the boat before "release"!) For years, the recreational anglers punctured the air bladder (many still do) thinking they were helping the fish. Those fish invariably died of internal bleeding or infection. Despite the semi-protective status of the giants, they continue to be killed in significant numbers by the recreational anglers, commercial fishermen and poachers. ANY recreational allowances will quickly defeat 23 years of semi-protection that have allowed their numbers to rebound to where they are today.

too bad their isn't an alternative means of financially supporting the dfg that won't stigmatize the buyer as someone who kills the inhabitants as a fishing license would indicate. Maybe a sticker or card or something that we could purchase that would indicate our willingness to contribute, but do so in a way that identifies us as friends of the inhabitants..

For me it's not the money, it's the principle. After many years of (respectful) sportfishing i quit fishing all together. I want to contribute, but the whole tilt is still in favor of those who exploit our shared resource for their fun and profit so i remain inhibited in my support.

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