Re: White Seabass

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Brad on June 23, 2004 at 15:50:09:

In Reply to: White Seabass posted by Labugman on June 23, 2004 at 08:20:38:

i don't mean to offend, but i am just sick of this endless spectical of DEAD fish. When you have seen one dead fish you have seen them all....

i was on the bank last thurs-sat and there were many fish in the kelp, but i'll be darned if i could get a good picture of one.

One thing is for sure though, if i had a speargun, i could have speared every one that i got on film.

If food is the point, why glorify the kill. If skill is the point, why not prove it with a nice picture?

i have to mention that a gillnetter wove his net directly thru the thickest canopy on the bank!

the WSB may be coming back, but they are still under mass-assult by the takers.

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