Diving Casino point-Advice please

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Andrew Spring on June 29, 2004 at 20:42:18:

Making my first visit to the park with a friend in mid July. Going out on the x-press Friday morning then heading to the park for at least three dives. Crashing at the hermosa Friday night. Then on Saturday we are hopping on the scuba cat for another three dives. Is it nescessary to bring your own tank if you own one. The scuba cat supplies the tanks, but the park you need to rent one if you dont have one. How much money is it to rent a hp 80 for a day with three fills? Should I spend the money so I dont have to lug a steel tank around? Or save money bringing it?
Any other advice would be aprreciated.


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