Ocean Sport Fishing Regulations Update for October 2, 2004 The purpose of this email is to notify California's saltwater sport fishermen of upcoming regulation changes, including seasonal openings and closures, bag and size limit changes, depth and gear restriction changes, etc.
Spiny Lobster
The sport fishery for spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) is open from October 2, 2004, through March 16, 2005. The following regulations apply:
The daily bag and possession limit is seven spiny lobsters
The minimum size limit is 3 and 1/4 inches measured in a straight line on the mid-line of the back from the rear edge of the eye socket to the rear edge of the body shell. Click here for a measurement diagram
May only be taken by baited hoop net or by hand
Up to five baited hoop nets may be fished per person (except on piers, where the limit is two hoop nets); no more than ten baited hoop nets may be fished from any vessel
Every person taking lobster shall carry a device that is capable of accurately measuring the size of the lobster using the method described above
The boat limit regulations defined in Section 195(e) do not apply to lobster - each diver/hoopnetter may only take his/her individual daily bag and possession limit