Posted by Give me a break on January 09, 2005 at 11:24:45:
In Reply to: DFG warden looks for lobster poachers posted by on January 09, 2005 at 03:49:30:
"Covert Operations"?! Sounds like a bunch of Walter Mitty types with no life playing G.I. Joe at the expense of citizens rights.
Searching people and their affects without probable cause and no search warrant? Sounds like they need to be tried for violating the Constitutions'prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures and doign so under color of authority.
If they were really serious about game preservation, they would outlaw commercial lobster trapping and outlaw the taking of female lobsters, but they're not.
Instead we have morons glamorizing the "covert operations" as the stealth craft glides silently through the night, getting in harms way as the warden nervously rubs the trigger from his ungloved gun hand while a lone water bufffalo stares in disbelief at him as he prepares for a firefight with charlie in the jungle to protect those friggin dumbass Garibaldi which are sea cockroaches.
What a crock....
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."- Plato
"Freedom is not worth living if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that previous right." MOHANDAS K. GANDHI (1869-1948).
"There's no way to rule innocent men.The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."-Ayn Rand