Elaine, here's what you do...

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric S on January 31, 2005 at 09:29:54:

In Reply to: Corrosion posted by Elaine on January 30, 2005 at 14:50:48:

First, I'm assuming that the arms are made out of aluminum or aluminum alloy?
If yes, then go get some Alumaprep 33 at a marine supplier (West Marine or similar) follow the directions for thinning with water.
This stuff is an acid so wear gloves. Soak the corroded areas in the solution for a while and the alumaprep will dissolve all the corrosion and stop at the fresh aluminum. You can scrub the corroded areas with a stiff tooth brush. Wear goggles!! Rinse all the stuff you soaked well with water.
Some of the anodizing will be gone where the corrosion was but there's nothing you can do about it short of getting everything re-anodized.
Next, at the same marine supplier, get a tube of thread lube that they use to put sail boat mast components together. It is a gell/grease that will not allow the threads to seaze up even after years of punishing torture. How do you rinse spreader bolts ans screws 45 feet up on a mast?
There a special name they call this stuff but I can't remember the exact name 'cause I don't do rigging, but I know the best riggers in the industry and they are all using it.
Also if the stuff is still froze, hold a soldering iron on the screw/bolt and the temperature expansion/ contraction may crack the grip.
You can also use some Maltby (auto parts store)to work loose those threads after you soak 'em.

Hope this helps.

Eric Sedletzky
Pacific Coast Marine

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