
wrong again

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Posted by Dave on October 30, 2005 at 00:53:54:

In Reply to: Uh........ posted by Elaine on October 29, 2005 at 23:04:15:

Anytime people are not free to go and be left alone by LE types then there is an apellate cout decision that was publsihed that states under such circumstances one is under arrest.

Looked in an ice chest with no warrant, eh? There is no such thing as a "community game well" that would cause someone to no longer have an exepectation of privacy from the prying, criminal eyes of big brother. Accordingly, since multiple people have joint use and control of that well, even those who do not own the boat, someone who actually cared to follow the Constitution they swore to uphold under oath as a condition fo employment would bother to get consent from each and every user of the well...but without even bothering to ask you if they did, I can tell you they didn't because the jackbooted thugs in their quasi military costumes playing cop are more concerned with taking away your civil liberties and violating your civil rights.

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