
Re: Re: Re: Safer????

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Elaine on June 22, 2006 at 12:36:25:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Safer???? posted by MHK on June 22, 2006 at 12:12:20:


A free diver goes to 50 feet to spear a fish and is successful. He returns to the surface without blackout and lives to do another free dive. Does that mean that he was just lucky and what he really needs is scuba gear. No. It means that he has practiced what he does and is good at it. It is his love and his passion.

When was the last time that you were at Osborne? There was pleanty to see at 129 feet. If nobody died and it was done without incident it is because the divers were not diving beyond thier ability level. They were using good judgement. They are not two dive trip a year divers. They are living proof that you do not need tri mix to dive within recreational limits. There were buddy pairs, there were solo divers, there were technical type divers. Why does that blow your mind? Guess what - they all made the dive safely. The Sea Divers are not a tri mix diving club. They are a group that loves to dive.

I know that you are teaching a class for shallow tri mix diving. If this is your build up for your commercial post make your point and move on. Scubadivernet.com.

Don't start picking people apart for what they do right.

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