
La Paz & Club Cantamar Trip, 10/7 - 10/14: EXCELLENT!!

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Captain Kevin on October 15, 2006 at 19:58:21:

We just returned from a week-long trip with a group of 15 divers to Club Cantamar in La Paz, Mexico, and I wanted to let everyone know that our trip was an absolutely wonderful experience. The diving there was way beyond our expectations. Just the pure diversity of life and health of the reefs (at least all the ones we dove) were just incredible. Each dive site was very different from the previous…we never, EVER got bored (as I have at some Caribbean locations). I would urge anyone who has not done any diving in the Sea of Cortez to push this location to the top of your “to do” list. We are already discussing plans to return as soon as possible.

Conditions while we were there were excellent. It was 95 deg. F pretty much each day, comfortable in the evenings, and only overcast one or two afternoons. Water temperatures were 86 deg. F for the most part, and the coldest at-depth temp. we had was 81 deg. F. Visibility varied by dive site, being 100 ft. + at Las Animas (costs a little more for this site but REALLY worth it!) to maybe 20 ft. at the wrecks. At most dive sites, it was at least 60 ft. – water clarity was never an issue.

As far as the accommodations and dive service, we found Club Cantamar to be excellent. They made sure that our group made it to all of the major dive sites. Only one was a repeat, and that was actually at our request. The food at the resort was good and no one experienced “Montezuma’s Revenge”. Even my relatively sensitive digestive system suffered no ill effects (as it has on virtually every other international trip I’ve ever taken). We enjoyed the Dive Masters’ and boat Captain’s services as well. Everyone at the resort was very cooperative and accommodating, and we really felt like we were treated well. This made it very easy to concentrate on having fun diving rather than worrying how to arrange things day by day (especially from my perspective as the group trip coordinator).

I also wanted to express my thanks to Jeff Lyle for his post of 9/30. His dive report had tons of great information in it that made our trip EXPONENTIALLY easier!!! The hints about the locks for the dive lockers, flip flops for the walk to the boats, and other information was absolutely invaluable. Thank you so much to Jeff and everyone else who makes these types of posts on Diver.Net – they are incredibly helpful!

We’re sifting through 1200+ photos & video from the trip, and once we’re done, maybe I’ll try my hand at my first trip report w/pictures posting. Wish me luck!!

- Kev

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