
Christmas Tree Cove 8/2/07

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Lee on August 02, 2007 at 21:57:24:

Date: 8/2/07
Dive Location: Christmas Tree Cove
Buddy(ies): Jester
Time: 10:52 am.
Bottom Time: 1 hr 6 Min (started with 3150 in my HP80 and ended with 800)
Max Depth: 49 fsw
Vis: 10-15 ft
Wave height: 1-2 feet
Temp at depth: 57F
Surface Temp: 70F

It was a grey morning but the wind and ocean were calm. I met up with Josh at the top of Christmas Tree Cove for a lovely hike down the cliff face…..YIKES. Actually, the train is only a bit hairy in one place and the rest is not too bad. However, up and down are two different stories.

We made it to the bottom with no casualties and set up our plan of attack. Basically, we decided to kick out to the left outside area drop, make our way out going across and then head back to the beach.

As we kicked out we saw that the water was pretty clear. Once we reached our drop zone and began making our way into deeper water, we noticed that there were lots of particles in the water.

One thing that was interesting was that there were TONS of Giant Black Sea Hares out today. I have never seen such a large amount in one are. Right off the bat, Josh found an anchor while I was getting some shots.

This place is a mix of sand, rocks, kelp and some nice walls and rock structures as you make your way to the left side past the rock that sticks out at the point. The best part of the dive was the area past the point. It actually began to feel a bit like OML in this area. Josh snagged a nice size scallop in this area. The other areas were OK but they did not have as much life.

One thing for sure is that the climb back up is a total KILLER.

Below are some highlights from the dive:

Anyone know what this is?

Roaring Giant Sea Hare

Josh Snags a Scallop

Tiny Hopkins Rose

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