
"Great Escape" Diveboat

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Arthur Hacker on October 01, 2008 at 13:28:34:

If you value your time and $$$ you will stay away from this nautical nightmare. Smoking engines and lack of safety equipment pale in insignificance next to the joke of a crew. A braying ass of an englishman (who may or may not be the DM),insists upon laughing at the top of his lungs at every one of his inane jokes/comments, a slightly mentally disabled deck hand who cant stop talking about how much he loves fishing and a fat slob of a cook (who is borderline violently unstable) round out a boat that is the worst in the fleet. Who to complain to? Half the crew wear shirts that lable them as the "Captain". Avoid this boat like the plague.

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