
Re: To be more direct

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 20, 2008 at 20:38:51:

In Reply to: To be more direct posted by Elaine on November 20, 2008 at 19:57:23:

There isn't a plan yet for SoCal. That's what the stakeholders
group and the Blue Ribbon Task Force are setting out to decide.

There will be plenty of clear maps when there are proposals.
Expect several proposals and some cross-pollination between them.

And a little terminology:

MPA: Marine Protected Area. This is an area which is protected.
The protection varies from NO TAKE (State Marine Reserve) to
some take (State Marine Conservation Areas) to more take
(State Marine Parks).

MLPA: Marine Life Protection Act. This is law already. It
mandates the creation of s series of MPAs based on the best
available science.


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