
Re: Re: Re: Not to target any one group of people...

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Posted by Tao H on June 06, 2009 at 20:24:10:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Not to target any one group of people... posted by Eric S on June 06, 2009 at 18:48:50:

There are some who do have respect for law, order and the system, but it's case by case and up to the individual. More than likely, their background will pretty much dictate their behavior towards respect for such things.

Friends of mine from South East Asia have parents who are refugees post Vietnam War and have been used by US policy makers during that era only to be neglected after they were no longer needed. Some do hate the US government for tearing up their homes but try to move on with their lives in whichever way they choose (good or bad). My parents fled Vietnam in 1981 because of discrimination towards ethnic Chinese who were living in Vietnam and they did not want to live under the ruling government. At the same time, they also resent US involvement in the war and much of the US policy you still see today. They do have respect for law, but they still have that bad taste in their mouths.

Another reason they may not care about how much they take from the natural resources is because that's just how it's practiced in their countries. Simple lack of concern or ignorance for conservation/preservation, lack of laws/enforcement governing take of game and just trying to make a living. I'm sure the poaching is worse in Asia than it is here. Also, if you've ever seen just how much inventory is at the live seafood markets in places like Hong Kong or many of the Asian port cities, you'd be amazed by how much they have. So maybe if there was some education or laws restricting take in their countries, they might have some respect as well.

I believe many Asians generally are seafood lovers and it's true that abalone is highly prized among several other things in Asia and they often can fetch a high price. It's sensationalized and hyped to the point that everyone wants to try it. It's pretty much yuppy food much like you see it at the restaurants here.

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