
Re: Lobster poaching at Marineland

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Posted by Dave on October 04, 2009 at 16:12:26:

In Reply to: Lobster poaching at Marineland posted by Max Bottomtime on October 03, 2009 at 18:22:15:

Great photos MB.

I may be the odd-man out here, but I equate ripping off the lower body of a perfectly live and lucid lobster worse than ripping off the wings, then legs of a butterfly.

Ripping apart their bodies while they are alive is torture, it is cruel and as inhumane as I can think.

I prefer to video animals now and share it all, but when I use to get lobster in season, I would put them in they fridge to cool them to the point where they are alive but unconscious, then throw them in the pot of boiling water in that state. No thrashing at all, no screaming sounds.

If there is an even better way, I would take it.

Man,I hate killing animals even to eat, but I would never make it as a vegetarian.

But your photos of Marineland/PV brought back good memories, thanks.

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