
More clarification (IMHO)

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on September 02, 2010 at 23:06:46:

In Reply to: Take Black Sea Bass??? No way!!! posted by Ken Kurtis on September 02, 2010 at 17:54:26:

First of all, the original assertion was one per day. No.

This is for gill net by-catch. In other words (1) you didn't target the animal, and (2) they're likely already dead when the net is hauled in.

Note that it says "One fish per vessel." Not one per day, per week, or per month . . . but per vessel.

Note the second sentence refers to fish taken SOUTH of the US-Mexican border (so not in US waters and outside the jurisdiction of DF&G).

Plus at a limit of 1000 pounds per trip and 3000 pounds per vessel per calendar year, if the average size of an adult fish is 500 pounds, that's 2 fish per trip or 6 per year.

Again, NOT one per day as or originally asserted and it's all got to be by-catch and strictly from gill nets which aldso further strictly restricts who this exceptyion would apply to.

- Ken

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