
Re: Re: What would you like to see changed as with the Lobster Fishery?

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Pasley on July 28, 2012 at 19:18:51:

In Reply to: Re: What would you like to see changed as with the Lobster Fishery? posted by Ken Kurtis on July 28, 2012 at 11:54:35:

Actually the daily limit is NOT 7. Never has been. There is no daily limit. This year the manual says limit 7. No words like daily, in possesion etc. So I asked what the limit was, and a Warden wearing captain bars came out and told the they would enforce it as "7 bugs in your possesion including you home, freezer, car, etc". Of course they don't usally go to your home unless they are busting your chops. But if you have more than 7 bugs at home and they raid you, you will get charged for each over 7. The warden and I also discussed the multi-day permit where if you are out for 3 days you can have 21 bugs (note, he also specified that you could not have over 7 on day 1). It is so confusing. So technically the limit is 7 in possesion. Catch 7 on Monday, eat 2 and catch 2 more on Tuesday and you are fine. According to the warden even though there is no daily limit if you caught 7, ate 2 on the beach and then caught 2 more, the warden would bust you if they caught you. Too cofusing, even the wardens don't know what the limit is.

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