
Re: Re: Late dive report and plea for help!

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Posted by iuhalt on March 25, 2013 at 07:25:05:

In Reply to: Re: Late dive report and plea for help! posted by Clinton Bauder on March 24, 2013 at 22:25:30:

Oh, great question, I can't believe I didn't clarify this before. I am shooting macro (micro according to nikon) but with a 60mm. So while in the housing at the surface in housing it can search for focus and take a photo in focus. At depth it isn't searching for focus and just takes the photo. So I had the same thought, could it be at depth compression of the trigger isn't letting me half-way press the button and signal the camera to focus and is just firing the shutter. The thing is, when the camera is out of focus above water in dark areas it will also prematurely fire. I have also seen some UW photographers cut the finger tip off their shooting finger and I thought I might sacrifice an old glove and give it a try. So I think I will definitely try a light and also try a wide angle lens and see what happens. Trial and error isn't fun but it is methodical.

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