
Re: Ancient California

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Posted by Labugman on February 28, 2014 at 14:22:41:

In Reply to: Ancient California posted by seahunt on February 28, 2014 at 03:32:59:

Great stuff Sea Hunt..... First of all because it's about our home's history and secondly I love this quote......“[The results] teach us that climatic and environmental conditions are constantly changing—often dramatically,” Ciolek-Torello said.

“Some changes occur over periods of thousands of years, others over the course of centuries, and still others in a generation or a period of a few years.

“This is very important today when we worry about global warming. Such events have occurred repeatedly in the past … and we must recognize that we may be unable to control these changes."
This quote from the article sums up my position on What used to be called "Gobal Warming" But now the politicaly correct phrase is "Climate Change" That way the anti- industrialist can have it either way. One thing for sure about the weather is that if you give it some time.....it will change! Great!...I got that off my chest....Labugman

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