Re: Another solo death

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Posted by MHK on October 18, 2000 at 09:32:47:

In Reply to: Re: Another solo death posted by Eins on October 17, 2000 at 21:09:09:

As I said, we agreed to disagree and use the definitions for purposes of discussion. I just wanted to make it clear that while we used some terms to move the conversation along that I in know way subscribe to those definitions.

I subscribe to the UNIFIED TEAM APPROACH and while some may want to disect different variations of buddyless, solo or independant diving I want no part of that..

At the end of the day all that matters is that you either have someone with you when you need it or you don't. If we are to believe the newspapre accounting of this most recent fatality he died in 3' of water while solo..

Can anybody get on here and stand up and say that this kid would still have died if he had a buddy with him??? It seems that whenever there is a fatality no one wants to be specific in deference to the deceased. While my heartfelt sympathies are with the family this is the correct time to analiyze the incident. The facts are fresh and I'm sorry if this is inconvienent in terms of going directly against an agenda that people can't justify and is killing people..

I have specifically requested, for example, that Frank Farmer outline his system line by line and let's discuss it. In typical fashion, rather than answer and justify his postion he went on to attack..

I putforth my system and we have analyzed it to death and no one is dying using DIR system. Frank has introduced a concept that defies logic but refuses to stand by his recomendations.

You can either defend the system or you can't and I think it's irresponsible to get on a scuba forum and recommend a disorganized approach that will ultimatley lead to confusion in an emergency situation.


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