Ever bury a friend?

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Posted by JRM on November 22, 2000 at 15:04:57:

In Reply to: Re: I think it is SAFE! posted by DiveBabe on November 22, 2000 at 14:36:38:

"It is fun to get all hot and bothereed about the Dangers and Risks we take, but really it is a benign activity when we do it correctly."

I think you should ammend this to be "when nothing goes wrong". I lost a very dear friend in a mountaineering accident, and she did nothing wrong. Just one of those freak things, actually just crossing a small river. And that was what was considered the "safest" part of the trip (caving).

I agree with you that much can be done to mitigate the dangers involved. But don't ignore them. The ocean is dangerous enough without going underneath her. And it doesn't have to be a hero, macho thing. It's about respecting the ocean. And she deserves every respect.

And as far as being a hero for diving, I think that's laughable. Heroes save lives, and make sacrifices. Doing something that is dangerous doesn't make one brave. I'd use the word adventurer.

And as far as a chick-magnet. Well, I for one have already caught my limit in that department. Two, I think it's really sad when anyone defines themselves and their self image based on some activity they do. And people who play up doing something dangerous for attention bother me, too. But just because someone likes to boost their self esteem by exagerating the danger involve doesn't somehow make that danger evaporate. Mr. Murphy is great friends with mother ocean.

So just because you feel safe doing something doesn't mean there isn't any risk. Heck, I agree, there are lots of things with greater risks than diving. Driving on a freeway is one that comes to mind. It is dangerous. But we really don't think twice about doing it. But don't instantly assume that everyone gets some sort of kick out of the whole danger something because we respect it. I think you're confusing the two.


-- Guess I'm the goul now. And that makes me sad. Guess I better go diving! I'll be on the Vision on Sunday, if any other list folks be there I'm the short guy in the Excel suit...

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