Responsible Hunting

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Posted by JRM on December 11, 2000 at 15:43:30:

Well, there are many an opinion about harvesting the bounty of the deep. It seems that the mode opinion is "responsible take". However, what is responsible, low-impact, etc?

Is anyone interested in teaching an "Underwater Hunting" course? Or at least doing a seminar or two with a couple of dives to share their knowledge of ocean husbandry. The evil that is (Insert Training Agency Here) offer them, yet I have found no place that is actually running one.

I was thinking of something that was along the lines of safety, responsibility, game preparation, etc. I have really taken to underwater hunting, but have had to sort of learn as I go. And everyone seems to have a different name for the same fish, few of which match the F&G name. And there are lots of other non-finned things I'd like to take a shot at, but I'd rather learn some technique first and avoid damaging anything unnecessarily.

So are there any instructors out there that are competent and willing to run one of these "Specialty" type courses, or at least something sort of informal? Or does anyone know of any shop or instructor that is doing this sort of thing? Anywhere from LA to SF would be great.

Oh, and if there's anyone out there who might be interested in a hunting "buddy" (No, not that whole argument again), drop me a line.



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