It's a DIR demo this weekend at Casino Point folks...

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by seahunt on July 18, 2001 at 22:33:11:

In Reply to: NDL limits without using a computer... posted by MHK on July 18, 2001 at 13:39:53:

.... so it's time for MHK to generate some publicity.
I have wondered. I wondered if some of the odd times and reasons you chose to start fights over, were timed to advertise DIR demos. I think that your actions today clear that up. Out of the blue, I see where you have basically started two fights and mostly by dredging up old nothings that are deader and dryer than mummy bones, even if you can't figure them out.
Well, there. I advertised your DIR demo for you. I hope that makes you happy.
Still, I will answer you and take advantage of the post to ask you a question....
In reference to your silly post, I think your memory suffers.
I couldn't in any way drag your deco method out of you before that demo, what say 5 months ago, even though you promised it and had said you were going to write it up for CDN. You said that it could not be described over the web... I'm glad you have changed your mind.
I went to the demo, which was about DIR and had nothing to do with explanations for me.
When leaving, I tried again, by drgging it out of Terry. He said it was by depth averaging. Novel.
After that I posted that you did have a method, but I had more questions about it.... which went unanswered.
You have a method of deco calculations that does not use a normal dive computer.... There. Are you happy? I've said it before.
Now how about you answer the questions I asked then.
Do you use a depth recorder to make that depth average?
That is important, because it determines many other things.
1. If you don't, then how could you learn to estimate your average depth mentally?
2. If you do, then you take that data and plug it into your laptop and run it through your spiffy algorithms. Fine.
If you are doing in your head, it's not going to be practical for many divers, because the accuracy problem. I would never want to use that method, because though I have studied how to make estimations like that, there is a notorious accuracy problem. Also, few divers are able to dive enought to get the practice that would require.
If you are doing it with a depth recorder, then you may end up with a better deco model and the accuracy of a dive computer, but it seems rather like overkill and quite unneccessary... and it's still basically a dive computer by function. You yourself have said that typical computers will not give the bottom times your method can give, but considering the bottom times that the computer has allowed me, I am quite content to stick with the convenience of a dive computer. The post on my site about Cortez Banks discusses a 7 tank day with all dives logging from 70 to 128 feet. That seems quite adaquate and if not quite as good as the models you use, it's certainly more convenient than taking along a laptop. By the way, bringing electronics on an ocean boat is chancy to say the least.
Your claim that your methods are superior, may be so, but I find my methods (a dive computer) much more convenient and certainly always adaquate. I doubt your algorithms are that much better and if they are, I'll settle for the safety margin that the computer gives me. Safety margins like that are just part of what makes Sport Diving. I've never gotten bent or shown any sign of it (1). I know you don't claim that.
Tell you what, I'll see if I can dig up one of the dive profiles I offered you when this discussion started way back when, so that you can describe how you solve it in a way that "a 3 year old can do in seconds" just so that I can finally get a long awaited description of your method. Really though, I'd rather have the chance to ignore you so that I can work on my Sport Diving Guide... and other projects. You are boring and have way too much time on your hands.
Hey, one other (Frank's) question. If you and the other DIR proponents continue testing and developing your deco algorithms, and they look good enough that the dive computer manufacturers put them in a computer, then would you consider it acceptable for divers to use them. (ignore your problem with divers blindly relying on computers for the moment and assume that they know the tables and watch them as well, as many divers do).
Enjoy, seahunt

(1)I think I did get a bend in a slightly torn muscle that I got while throwing eggs at the skipper of the Encore while he was swimming.

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