Re: For me, DIR isn't about blindly following anything..., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on July 19, 2001 at 12:53:39:

In Reply to: For me, DIR isn't about blindly following anything... posted by msblucow on July 19, 2001 at 09:12:12:

Hi M,
I don't think I've given much of a knee jerk reaction to DIR methods.
Heck, I don't think I've really done much critiquing of it. Could you
point out what you think is a knee jerk critism of DIR by me. I have
critisized Michael's tactics on the BBS (and will give you the URLs of
his dishonest posts if you want, but there are two dishonest posts on
the BBS now), but I have always clearly said that I thought that DIR is
a good idea in general and seemingly unique in its view of the diver as
a system. Just read my post of last night. To make it easy, I'll re-post
a line from it...
>There are other differences, but really, they are pretty irrelevant.
>Really gear is pretty irrelevant. I could switch gear with George and
>we could both dive just fine ... and safely in CA or FL.
My only critiques about it relate to the computer/console and the steel
tank/wetsuit issue. Aside from those, I've mostly said it looks like a
good idea. I don't care if people don't want to use a steel/wetsuit rig,
but it's great for me. I don't care how they do deco, but a computer is
great for me. It really does seem to bug some DIR folks though. Even MHK
and JW don't agree on the steel/wetsuit issue. I've used AL tanks plenty
and I dislike them.
Can you show anywhere since the demo, where I have critisized DIR deco
methods? Can you show anywhere that I have critisized DIR gear methods
other than the afore mentioned steel/wetusit, computer/console issues?
By the way, since I seem to have trouble getting clarification of DIR deco
methods, could you perhaps post something on it.
I'm very curious about the backplate/wings combination as I have repeatedly
said. By the way, the tubing mounted octo seems like a good idea, but
I use an Air 2 type octo, so it's not currently applicable. It actually looks
like a good idea for the primary.
Enjoy, seahunt

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