Re: You obviously missed the entire point!!!!!!!

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Posted by MHK on July 23, 2001 at 10:59:44:

In Reply to: Re: You obviously missed the entire point!!!!!!! posted by Steve on July 23, 2001 at 10:50:19:

I always have safety in mind.. But what I also do is try to get diver's to open their minds and think..

Now that you say you were trained by PADI it makes more sense ;-)

Most, if not the overwhelming majority, of Nitrox diver's that I know use their computers to calculate the 02 exposure limits..

Again, that's part of my problem with computers, because it doesn't require diver's to think.. They learn about this stuff in a one-day PADI class and then rely on their computer thereafter..

I was struck by something Ken Kurtis wrote in his post of Friday, and I hope he follows this thread because I'd like to hear his comments.

He wrote in his observations of JJ's comments thread that if his computer failed underwater that he'd probably abort the dive..

My question to him is, why after teaching for 20+ years would it be necessary to abort just because your computer failed??? And I'm not picking him out, inasmuch as I'm startled because that is what many do.. I've been on liveaboards where people's computer have died and then they sit out a whole day of diving after they change their batteries.. $5000 for a one week trip and you loose a day of diving because $5 worth of batteries crap's out.. Your brain is your primary and your computer, if using one, should be the back up.. Same goes for the SPG...

The problem with the computer computing 02 limits is that they are SO conservative you almost defeat the purpose of the gas...

I encourage everyone to get some real training and gain a better understanding of these issues because my experience is that once you wean yourself off the blind reliance of devices you'll be a much safer and more efficient diver...


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